Namaste and Welcome in this Yoga and meditation Blog.
My name is Kumar Sapkota. There is only one race, the race of humanity. And I belong to this. I always try to help you to march forward in the path of spirituality. This blog is an incentive for achieving this goal for the sake of humanity. To spread divine love in this world and let it to diffuse into you, for you to be the oasis of infinite compassion, henceforth uprising your sense of creativity.What is Kundalini awakening? Why yoga for us? How to achieve Enlightenment? What are our subtle power and how to utilize them? Can’t we make an influential personality with very simple technology? Need help in study, want to concentrate far better, unknown about key of success, willing to intensify your vital energy instantly, then what is the royal road to follow. These all inquires were answered satisfactorily in this site. Everyday discussion about a new topic begins, solving all your questions and confusions one by one.
In this blog, there is an ever-growing collection of the many great resources I have found to assist us all walk down our spiritual path with confidence and support.
Free from religion based discrimination and others biases, this site “Yoga poses and meditation- fitness, enlightenment” includes many concepts relevant to Spiritual progress and self improvement ideas via overall revolution.
I encourage you to do comment. Saying something about my presentation, asking about clarification over misunderstood ideas, or adding some useful and relevant information of your own will further strengthen our relationship, glorify our platonic love.
I must give thanks to the contributors who share their thoughts about Yoga and meditations on the website to compliment my research, and to all of the supporters who provide regular feedback.
I’ve made many wonderful friends through this stage of my journey – and look forward for making many more … through the service of writing and truth discovering.
In Love and Light, We Flourish!
With best regards
Kumar Sapkota
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