Super Memory making ideas- 2

Learning and memory making are not simple process that can not be achieved by random and interrupted philosophy. Certain effective stratagem and action plan by considering the mechanism of memory making is very essential. Remember every war begins from head and finish in the heart. For your super memory following tips are valuable:
11. Ask your subconscious mind about what to do, debate with it and finally make it to take a rigid decision. Never disrespect the saying of your soul. Be assistant of it and do accordingly to gain success.
12. By proper using of your senses , learn to correctly evaluate the animate and inanimate things and concepts you have learned and give your own view without distractions.
13. Sleep being tension free and forgetting all the pain you encounter whole over the day. This prevents corruption of your mind and helps in the solidification of  your learning. At least 4 hours of sleep cycles are recommended for healthy brain.
14. Smell of rose stimulate hippo-campus of your brain and enhance your memory. So make habit of taking smell of rose in a regular basis.
15. Almost all the constituents needed to energize your brain are found Apple. Apple must be a favorite fruit for a wise learner. 
16. Making imaginary friends and doing debate with them about your study matter  will perfectly utilize your subconscious mind. Remember, subconscious mind occupies 90% of your useable mind.
17. Chewing Gums increase your memory by 35%. If you take your food and chew properly , it is sure that you will increase your memory.
18. Most important thing in your life is management of time. Making good time table and obediently following it may make you a great man.
19. Singing song and listening music everyday calm your mind and increase concentration tremendously.
20. Never compare you with others. Believe you are unique and begin to develop your potentially into active energy.

Super Memory making ideas- 1

It is well known that victory in game could be achieved by consistent strategy and well decided playing plan. Likewise, In study, victory will be  in the hand of those who understand the mechanism involved within and apply them in his/her philosophy and action plan . The sequential memory making steps are as under:
1. At first, Resister topics of everything you want to memorize in order in your mind. This helps in the systematic acquisition of knowledge avoid random recording of information.
2.Regularity is the key to success so avoid taking breaks in your routine. A long journey can be accomplish only by the many days of continuous walk , therefore never kill your time.
3.Age is not associated with memory so much . your illusion that old man can not understand and make memory must be abandoned.
4.Positive thinking, Believe, optimum use of your sense organs to learn, decorated expression, imaging, analytical study, reasonable thinking,  no missing, strong will and rigid determination are essential for a good memory.
5.Use of your mind in Imagination, mind mapping, debates and solving problems definitely develops interest in your study and is the important tool to multiply your attentions.
6.Study cycle suggest that  alternate study of different subjects time to time instead of only one can maximize your memory.
7.Revising increase your capability to memorize your lesson for a long time.
8.In study, Linking  your acquired knowledge by means of logical connection can make a long chain of information so that when you memorize one everything connected with that will be automatically memorized.
9.Develop your skill to edit information without destroying the main meaning of the text. This will develop your skill of expressing in your own words.
10.By making spider note of important keywords in sequence you can save your 90% time and focus in several topics in the same day.

Easy food tonics to sharpen your memory

Three fundamental steps of memory sharpening are Mnemonics and associations, stimulation and exercise of mind and staying in a healthy lifestyle.For a healthy mind proper combination of nutrients is of utmost importance.
Now explore about the potential nutrients of easily available common source that will boost your mind sharpness with promising results.
  Brain fuel available in a local level, for example:
Ginkgo biloba is a well-known botanical remedy with a reputation for enhancing memory. It may also slow the progression of dementia in early onset Alzheimer's disease. Look for products standardized to 24 percent ginkgo flavone glycosides and 6 percent terpene lac-tones; the dose is 60 to 120 milligrams twice a day with food.  
Vitamin A and beta-carotene:Carrots, spinach, cantaloupe, winter squash
Vitamin C:Citrus fruits, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes
Vitamin E:Nuts, seeds, vegetable oil, wheat germ and many mores.
 vitamin B: Egg, milk, tomatoes, meat, grains and variety of nuts,etc.

Benefits of Yoga for Mind, Body and Soul

Backgrounds of Yoga
Yoga is the connecting link between the physical world and the spiritual world, it connects your soul and strengthen your faith with truth, prosperity and God. A person bold and perfect from within can be realized by performing Yoga. Yoga gives every individual the philosophy of life and teach to survive in a noble manner with perfect bliss. Although yoga is an ancient practice it is now popular in western world and creating lots of illustration and verification of its magical and magnetic power, astonishing the mankind and solving their so called terrified problems within a few sweep.
    Yoga and mind:
Yoga helps to relieve stress and make your mind more concentrated and focused on your work or study. You will learn how to deal calmly on flood of hostile situation and accept the challenge more easily in the absence of fear and anxiety. Another notable aspect of regularly doing yoga is fast and sharp memory, because of  the optimum circulation of blood in your brain and consequent propagation of neurotransmitters and related neuro chemicals. Stretching and contracting of entire nerves of your body and thickening of neural walls brought by Yoga and pranayams increase your impulse transmission rate and information storage capacity in a exponential rate.
   Yoga and body
Yoga maintain your body from both sides- inner and out. You can swiftly and energetically perform your tasks because of increased flexibility and balance of your body. No more Migraines, No more sexual weakness and feeling of dizziness. Yoga also tightens your muscles and increase your control on your movement, movement of any type aided by intense flexibility. Yoga in fact lengthen your life by slowing your aging process in a dramatic way, the only thing  you need is patience. 
  Yoga and Soul
Soul the source of life and the icon of your real identification has been superseded by your materialistic view  and evil thinking. Supernatural energy and real human instincts can be developed by understanding and using our soul - feeling the life and the motive of living. Perfection of soul means Perfection of man, and you get this by believing in yoga and its principles like: yam, Niyam, Aasan, Pranayams, Enlightenment, Dharana,  etc.


speed reading for memory making

The whole concept of speed reading is to learn to interpret words visually as groups or sets of words instead of individual words or even sounds like we are all taught to traditionally read.   School systems teach children to read out loud, sound out words and process words audibly by teaching this method.  What it fails to do is then teach children once they know the words to start to visualize the words and absorb content at a much higher rate.
The brain can understand any visual image in a fraction of a second into many, many colors, objects, sites and moods in that since glance.  Speed reading takes advantage of the minds ability to do this by learning to see blocks of words instead of individual words sequentially.  The eye and brain can easily see more than just on word at a time and so this is the key to speed reading.  It’s NOT about simply moving the eyes faster and scanning by the words in the same sequence but faster.
Most important steps of speed reading for beginner:
1.Be comfortable and crack on your book:
Keep your area you read in free of distractions and setup so that you are comfortable with good light available and no distractions.  It’s a good idea to have your book laid out flat in front of you so that the pages are easy to flip and so you are looking straight on at the text. 

2. Line tracing in a fast and consistent speed:
Moving your finger or a pen as a guide will dramatically prevent regression, which is when the eye glances backwards momentarily.  This guide in place when moved smoothly and quickly can eliminate those unwelcome saccades and allows you to read faster.

3.Removing the habit of sub vocalization
Avoiding reading by moving your lips can dramatically increase your speed.Practice at a rate much higher than you can possible sub-vocalize (>500wpm)Move your hand or fingers over the words at a consistent just faster than you can sound things out and don’t EVER stop your hand to “hear” the words Read every line backwards so that the words don’t make sense back to back (vocalizing is easier to break using this since the language is broken)Count OUT LOUD from 1-100 over and over while reading (this will be very difficult at first but soon easy to do and it kills sub-vocalization quickly)
 4.Use your peripheral brain:
You must learn to use your peripheral vision when reason and so the best technique to do that is to force yourself to start reading the lines part way in and continuing with the next line before you quite get to the end.  Start by jumping lines while skipping just a word or two at the start and end of each line and practice reading this way for 15-20 minutes.

5.Always speed up before you read anything:
By pushing the mind at this higher rate, you will actually make it MUCH easier to slow back down to a rate still above your normal reading speed yet it will feel easier and you will develop more speed at a much quicker rate than if you start slower.

6. Time management:

7. Think faster to read faster:
8. Scanning and focus keywords: 
9. Making notes:                                                                                                                                                                                       10. Practice makes you a perfect:

Stages of learning for memory building.

Any student must admit and behave accordingly after understanding these four stages of learning. Just reading books at one,s disposal is not  learning, it is in fact killing of time , labor and money which will ultimately degrade you and weaken your mental developmental process.
 An ideal learning has following 3 stages:
    When you study at the first time and understand the concept given , it is believed that information has sown on your brain. But these information are like footsteps on sand so disappear  or become dim easily. Learning only up to this stage is done by more than 80% students. Therefore major fraction of the learners must admit this weakness and attempt to carry on their learning beyond this stage.
    Conversion of information into knowledge is the challenging job to do. It needs patience and repeated practice. Careful reading and remembering the same topic again and again make your raw learning ripen and stored in your long term memory , also adding the stuff in your thoughts and consideration.
This process build up knowledge- which is like footsteps craved on the rocks and takes long time to fade.

 Finally, when a student or learner leaves his college after finishing his study What he has in his mind is the wisdom, this lasts for lifetime. 

External and Internal Yoga

1. Yam( non violence principle, truth, not thieving, not doing sex, not taste in worldly enjoyment.)
result: Remove senses and will from evil thoughts and focus to your soul.
2. Ni yam (rule)-(Sanitation, satisfaction, consistency, self study, respect to the God)
 result: create pure, religious, laborious and clam mental state.
3. Asan(sitting position)-(padmasan, bhadrasan, siddhasan, bagrasan, succhasan)
result: boost physical and mental fitness.
4. pranayams(more than 100 control breathing )
result:   protect from evil waves and develop live-pran much more.
5.Pratyahar(  be safe from the like and dislike of  word, touch, sight, taste and smell)
result: make your senses your servant.
1. Dharana(concentrate on your 8 chakra within your body)
result: remove fluctuation while doing any jobs.
2.Concentration(concentrate on a topic in a systematic way)
result: get the most valuable thing of the world- focus and concentration.
3.Enlightenment(well developed state of concentration and inversion center of transformation-a new life in the new era)
result: completeness of life and appearance of magnetic achievement.

Memory and its types - a detail interpretation

Definition of memory
Memory refers to the storage, retention and recall of information including past experiences, knowledge and thoughts. Memory for specific information can vary greatly according to the individual and the individual's state of mind. It can also vary according to the content of the information itself; thus information which is novel or exciting tends to be better remembered than information which is uninteresting or ordinary. Failure of memory can normally result from failure to adequately store the memory in the first place, failure to retain the information (forgetting), and failure to retrieve the information later.
Types of memory systems
Psychologists and memory researchers often divide memory into categories defined by the duration for which the memory is expected to last.
Sensory memory refers to the fact that, after experiencing a stimulus, information about that stimulus is briefly held in memory in the exact form it was received, until it can be further processed. Typically, sensory memories may last only a few seconds before decaying -- or being overwritten by new, incoming information. But, while they last, sensory memories contain detailed information: almost like an internal "copy" of the stimulus, in perfect detail. For example, psychologists have assumed that there is a memory area (called a "buffer") where incoming visual information is stored as a picture or icon. This is sometimes called iconic memory. While visual information remains in iconic memory, an individual can answer detailed questions, such as what is the third row of numbers in a numerical display. Psychologists have assumed that there is also an echoic memory for auditory information (stored as an echo) and other buffers for information related to the other senses: taste, smell and touch.
Short-term memory refers to memories which last for a few minutes. Unlike sensory memory, which is stored in the exact form it was experienced, short-term memory has received some processing; thus, "A" is stored not as a visual stimulus, but as an abstract concept of the letter "A". Short-term memory is of limited capacity, usually 5-9 items ("7-plus-or-minus-two"). Beyond this capacity, new information can "bump" out other items from short-term memory. This is one form of forgetting.  Objects in short-term memory can be of indefinite complexity: thus short-term memory can hold several numbers, or several words, or several complex concepts simultaneously. Thus, while an individual may only be able to remember seven random digits, it may be possible to remember more digits if they are "chucked" into meaningful objects: thus, "1776-2001-1941" represents twelve separate digits -- well beyond most people's capacity -- but only three easily-remembered chunks.
Items can be maintained indefinitely in short-term memory by rehearsal: e.g. by repeating the information over and over again. An example would be a seven-digit phone number, which is maintained in short-term memory by repetition until the number is dialed, and then fades from short-term memory once the conversation starts. Repetition may also increase the probability that items in short-term memory will enter permanent storage in long-term memory.
Intermediate-term or working memory is sometimes considered a synonym for short-term memory. However, memory researchers often consider this a specialized term referring for information about the current task. Thus, even though a specific phone number may occupy short-term memory, working memory contains the information that lets you remember that you are in the process of phoning the gas company to complain about a recent billing error.
Long-term memory is memory that lasts for years or longer. It contains everything we know about the world, including semantic and factual information as well as autobiographical experience. In general, long-term memory is organized so that it is easy to reach a stored item by a number of routes. For example, the concept "umbrella" may be retrieved by seeing an umbrella, experiencing a rainstorm, hearing the words to the song "Let a smile be your umbrella," and so on. Retrieval of an item also facilitates other related items: so that retrieving information about a cat can lead to retrieval of information about dogs, lions, specific instances of cats (Grandmother's tabby), the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, and so on.
NOTE: Clinicians (e.g. neurologists) often use a slightly different classification, in which short-term memory is memory for events which occurred recently (e.g. a few days or weeks ago) and long-term memory is memory for events which occurred in the distant past (e.g. childhood).
 Long-term Memory and relevant brain structure
There are several different ways to classify long-term memories according to their content.
Declarative memory is a term for information which is available to conscious recollection and verbal retrieval (i.e., it can be "declared"). Two subclasses of declarative memory are episodic memory, which is autobiographical information, and semantic memory, which is factual information about the world (vocabulary items, knowledge of what a hammer is used for, memory of multiplication tables, etc.).
Most types of memory appear to be stored in the cortex.  Different areas of cortex specialize in different kinds of information, so that visual information about the Statue of Liberty may be stored in one location (e.g., the inferior temporal cortex), while information about its associations to liberty and immigration might be stored in another (e.g., the frontal cortex). High linkage between these two areas means that seeing a picture of the Statue of Liberty can retrieve memory about its associations. At the same time, damage to specific areas of cortex can produce specific memory deficits. For example, damage to a specific region within the temporal lobe can produce a memory deficit in which the patient loses knowledge about "living things" (e.g. dogs, lions, birds) but maintains knowledge about other categories (e.g. inanimate objects such as furniture and utensils).
Formation of new declarative memories depends on the hippo campus and related structures in the medial temporal lobe.  When these structures are damaged, a condition of antero-grade amnesia can result, in which older declarative memories are largely spared, but few if any new declarative memories are acquired. At this point, the process whereby the hippo campus and other medial temporal lobe structures contribute to long-term memory formation is still incompletely understood. Some researchers believe that the hippo campus acts as a temporary store for new information, which is then gradually transferred to permanent storage in the cortex. Other researchers believe that the hippo campus never actually stores information itself, but is needed by the cortex in the process of developing new memories.

Diseases like Cancer are reduced by Yoga.

Yoga, a term that is little bit complicated to understand and apply by modern materialistic human has already done lot of miracles. Ancient Indian sages delved deep into the mysteries of life through meditation and learned that diseases are not caused by accidental exposure to germs or pathogens, as medical scientists believe. The sages learned that much of human suffering is actually caused by the actions of each individual in his/her past life. Each action — good or bad — leads to a reaction in the same life cycle or carried over to the next. Since each individual is trapped in an unending cycle of life and death, the human suffering through diseases and highs and lows of life continue ceaselessly.

Modern science does not accept continuance of life after physical death. That is why it looks for physical solutions to diseases but fails to come up with lasting cures. If science finds cure for one disease, other more challenging ones afflict the human race. This is because they refuse to believe that the root of the problem lies far beyond the physical existence of human being.

Indian yogis however learned that beyond the physical and mental afflictions lies the spiritual disease. In other words, the spiritual Law of Karma — actions of the past resulting in diseases and other forms of suffering in the present life — governs human existence, life after life in a never-ending cycle.

In his treatise ‘Yoga Sutra’, the Indian sage Patanjali classified the diseases into three categories – physical (Aadhidehik), mental (Aadhibhautik) and spiritual (Aadhidaivik).

IS CANCER curable? Yes, Siddha Yoga is the answer, says Guru Siyag. This destructive process can be reversed by adopting the time tested “Siddha Yoga” . There are some medical science approved evidences in the behalf of this Yoga . That,s why there is huge possibility to eradicate diseases like aids and cancer forever from our planet.

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