Memory mechanism

 It is essential to understand memory mechanism at first to gain proficiency in memory sharpening techniques. Therefore memory sharpening mechanism is a fundamental step. The most important part of our memory is hippo-campus of brain. Hippo-campus is the brain's key of memory and is located in the temporal (lateral) sides of the brain. It processes signals sent to the mind by the senses into the templates of memory, which are then stored in other parts of the brain, creating a long-term memory. In fact, Signals are converted into electrical impulses in the nerve cells due to a rapid change in chemical composition. These impulses are then conducted across nerve cells and through synapses, which connect neurons. This process goes on until the connections between the neuron become strong, and memory is created.
Normal synaptic activity is a process governed by neurotransmitters. Each neuron is just a single nerve cell. It has one or more branches called axons that transfer signals (impulses) and one or more branches called dendrites that receive signals. When a signal is transmitted through an axon terminal, spherical bodies called vesicles fuse with its membrane. Neurotransmitters are released when the vesicles burst open into the synaptic space, the minute space between the sending and receiving cells used to discharge neurotransmitters. To end the signal, axons again absorb some neurotransmitters; and the enzymes in the synapse deactivate the other neurotransmitters.
It is clear that destruction in any part of normal synaptic activity would adversely affect memory. This normally occurs with modern age and continuous electrical activity, which damages out the synapses. As a result, new memory creation is disturbed and memory loss occurs.

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